People no longer buy products and services, they buy emotions through brands.
People no longer buy products and services, they buy emotions through brands.

360° Branding
By definition, branding is a marketing practice where your company creates a name, color, design or symbol that belongs to your business alone. It means that branding not only sets you apart from your competition, but it also creates a memorable experience for your consumers.

360° Branding is an efficient and effective way to provide a unified experience from brand creation, development and management that ensures a brand is consistently represented across all touchpoints and channels seamlessly. This method covers every aspect of a brand's interaction with its audience, from strategy and messaging to visual identity and customer experience.

We are in 2025, and presenting your brand has never been more significant.
360° Branding Approach
Better discovery, better vision
Brand Discovery
Brand Discovery is the process of studying the brand and understanding the unique value that it offers about customer needs, competition, and the marketplace. Brand discovery identifies brands' strengths and weaknesses, as well as their unique selling proposition.

In Brand Discovery we start by defining and designing your benchmark brand. Our focus is on discovering and analysing your company, your clients, your competitors and your market in depth. We'll discover the market where you're playing, analyze your competitors and pinpoint your niche. Then we identify the core needs of your target group and how to create value and relevance for them. Based on the results and insight gained, we create a foundation for your differentiation and positioning for the next level, brand strategy, brand design and brand experience.
Better strategy, more value
Brand Strategy
Chess is a suitable metaphor for strategy. The moves you can make in chess are very numerous, as with just three opening moves there are nine million possible positions!

Similarly, there are many options when it comes to strategy for a brand. If you know the path ahead, you can analyze and anticipate customer behavior and market changes. You can then build your tailored brand strategy, design your brand identity, develop your brand experience and outlast your competitors.

We believe there is no one-size-fits-all brand strategy. We customize and combine brand strategy, design, and experience seamlessly, for better results.

· Is your brand defined by your business' core message and values?
· What defining values can you create for your brand?
· Does your brand currently hold a relevant and differentiating position on the market?
· What features make your brand a better choice?
Better design, better look and feel
Brand Design
When talking about brand design/identity, it typically refers to key brand elements such as the logo, color scheme, typography, and other design components. But design/identity without strategy neither differentiates you from the competition nor reaches your target groups.

A successful brand design not only stands out from its competitors, but is recognizable by target audiences and has the power to create a sense of excitement in consumers at first glance. This means a well-designed brand design involves conveying the vision, corporate culture, positioning, values, and strategic concept of a brand through visual appearance.

· Does your brand name convey your company's values to your customers?
· Is your brand’s tone of voice consistent across all communication channels, including social media, the website, and advertising?
· How well does your logo and corporate design communicate your brand’s mission and values at a glance?
· How does your corporate design/visual identity differentiate you from competitors in your industry?
· How can storytelling be integrated into your brand design to create a more emotional connection with your audience?
· Are your brand’s colors, typography, and imagery resonating with your target audience?
· What elements of your brand design could be simplified to enhance clarity and impact?
Does your brand’s digital presence reflect the same design principles as your offline materials?
· How often should you review and update your brand design to ensure it stays relevant and competitive?
Better experience, better impact
Brand Experience
Brand experience is the one or sum of all the sensations, thoughts, feelings, and reactions that individuals have to your brand.
A successful brand experience evokes positive and ongoing emotional engagement with its audience. Customers encounter a range of emotions - like happiness, inspiration or nostalgia - when they interact with a brand. When the experience is positive, it creates a lasting impact that fosters brand loyalty and trust.

A credible brand ensures that its message, strategy, design/visual identity and every other component work harmoniously to deliver an integrated, consistent and engaging experience.

· How do your customers describe their interaction with your brand?
· How aligned are your brand's intangible and visual aspects?
· When was the latest version of your brand strategy released?
· Is your brand story compelling and communicated effectively at every touchpoint?
· What customer segments find the most value in your brand experience, and why?
· How does your brand experience differentiate you from your competitors?
· How does your brand reward customer loyalty and enhance long-term relationships?
People buy feelings, not products and services
Harvard Professor Says 95% of Purchasing Decisions Are Subconscious When marketing a product to a consumer, it's most effective to target the subconscious mind.

Why do consumers buy one product or service over another? How do you develop brand loyalty? How do you maximize customer engagement?

According to Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman, the answer to all these questions is directly related to the subconscious mind. In Zaltman's book, "How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the Market," the professor reveals many exciting ideas that can be helpful to marketers and brands. Contrary to popular belief, consumers aren't as savvy as they might like to believe. For example, while many consumers report comparing multiple competing brands and price points when evaluating a purchasing decision, Zaltman's research indicates that this is not actually the case.

Let's talk about your brand
How can a 360° Branding help you build a better brand?

We invite you to attend our Brand Workshop in order to achieve better results. The goal is to gain a better understanding of you, your brand, and your brand vision. This will enable us to provide you with the most effective brand strategy, brand design, and brand growth.
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